
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


So this year I made a resolution to read the entire New Testament and the other night I was reading Luke and I came across a really cool verse (side note: is it awesome when your reading and you stumble upon this super wonderful verse and it just opens your eyes? this was one of those times), it was Luke 17:10 "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty'.". Woah man, that is so humbling, the fact that even if we do everything God asks and follow every commandment to the letter we are still unworthy. I am so guilty of doing good things and expected something in return. It is always a good reminder that we are so unworthy of God's everlasting love and not to forget the power of his mercy and grace. Even though it sounds discouraging to think we can never please God, use this to keep you humble and reminded of the sacrifice and love of God.

P.S. Sorry for not posting last week I was out of town and not able to access a computer.

Much Love,


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sinners to Repentance

Luke 5:32 states, "I [Jesus] have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" I believe a lot of times we feel inclined to be perfect. That we must follow each rule to the letter to gain favor in Gods eyes, but we don't! God came for the sinners and the oppressed to save them from Hell. The beauty of God's love is that it is everlasting, infinite and never changing. Nothing we ever do can make us look better or worse in God's sight, but because of this freedom we desire to serve and live out the guidelines he has set in place for us. This verse speaks to us believers that we are here to share with the sinners and not only the righteous, we are here to witness to the people who may not have the same beliefs or moral code. We must love on them and be compassionate to everyone. Do unto other as they do unto you! As always thanks for stopping by and taking your time to read!

Much Love,


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I never realized the difference with joy and happiness until a couple weeks ago when I began to study the different fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22). The thing is that joy is not letting the circumstances around you determine your attitude. Joy is remembering the price God paid on the cross and letting that excitement over flow into every aspect of your life.  Philemon 1:7 says, "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement". Also after reading about Joy and how it differs from happiness I was reminded about the verse, John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." I find it so reassuring that God has overcome the world and all of it's problems. When truly considering how much control God has and how incomparable this world is to his power it helps me realize how irrelevant all my worries are in the eyes of God. How can I complain and worry and fret about things that God has overcome? I am trying to learn to overcome this problem of getting wrapped up in worldly fears and worries and replacing them with the joy that God gives me. I have learned though that joy isn't something you can just say you have and thats that, it takes time and lots of prayer and I am not quite there yet, but I am working on it day by day to overcome my attitude with joy. I hope you all are encouraged to do the same.

Much Love,