
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:16 says, "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view." As Christians it is important to remember how God has forgiven us of our sin. So then how can we not do the same to others? Just as we became a new creation, our out look on life needs to be renewed so that we see people as God sees them.  Lots of times we want to retaliate, return evil for evil, but we must resist the worldly temptations and remember that we might be the only representation of Christ for these people. If Christians act the same as the rest of the world what sets us apart? How will people separate us from the rest of the population? the answer is by our actions and how we treat them. It isn't easy though; so pray to God and tell him to teach you to see people the way he sees them and slowly your out look on people will shift to how God sees everyone. I often fall into the temptation of judging people and their actions, but that is so hypocritical of me because if God judged me according to my sins I would deserve death. Just as it says in James 4:12, "There is only one lawgiver and judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?". God is the ultimate judge because he knows everyones heart and their true intentions. So if someone is bothering you pray about it and ask God to give you forgiving and loving heart so that you can see them as he does.

Thanks for stopping by!


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